Welcome to the Plymouth Rock Fancier’s Club!


The Plymouth Rock Fancier’s Club of America is a group of dedicated poultry fanciers across the United States and Canada. The club was founded in 1973 to promote the breeding and showing of the Plymouth Rock breed (both large fowl and bantam); to urge the adoption of the true type and color by breeders, exhibitors, and judges; to advance the true interests of the breed; and to bring their unequaled good qualities to the attention of the world.

Currently, there are 8 varieties accepted by the American Poultry Association. They are: Barred, Black (bantam only), Blue, Buff, Partridge, Silver Penciled, Columbian, and White. 

Membership in the Plymouth Rock Fancier’s Club is a great way to connect with the greater Rock community and help support the future of one of the best all-purpose breeds. You can learn more about the benefits of membership on the JOIN page. Our Officers and District Directors love talking Rocks! Please feel free to contact them for more information at any time.

We look forward to having you as a member and seeing you in the Rock aisle!